Everyone that knows me is well aware that I am a functioning insomniac. I am the definition of a night owl, most nights I don't fall asleep until 4 am.(At the earliest) Last night was no different, myself and one of my insomniac comrades were up late discussing the two fields that every black male considers himself to be an expert in: The NBA and women.
The basketball talk lasted long than I had wanted it to; anyone who considers Blake Griffin to be the new Hakeem Olajuwon needs to watch ESPN Classic or something. As the basketball talk began to die down my associate asked me, "How are the ladies treating you?" I told him that girls were not treating me any different really. I also said that they weren't any that peaked my interest really, there was no one who possessed that unique balance of physical beauty and mental stimulation to truly make me interested.
My friend didn't believe me right away. He stated, " There are so many intelligent girls where you're at that I can't see that being the case." He was absolutely correct. I confessed that it wasn't that there weren't any girls that could interest me intellectually, but it was most of the women attracted to me were not my type physically.
The truth of the matter is that I am not attracted to big girls, and before anyone tries to stamp me with the shallow label let me say this : You can fall in love with a person's mind, but you can not make love to that person's mind. There must be some kind of mutual physical attraction.
He then asked me, " So you don't like thick girls either?" I answered his question with my own question, "Is there really a difference?" I never liked using the term thick to describe a woman's build because honestly it doesn't really describe anything. The term has been misused so much that a woman the size of the Goodyear blimp could claim she is thick. Where is the point where a woman is no longer thick and is on the big girl side? Do you know anyone who is denial about their "thickness?"
Urban Dictionary definition: A thick girl is a girl who is an above average size. However she is not fat. She is solid. One way to test is to slap her ass.........If it jiggles then shes more fat than thick . If it doesnt, you my friend have a thick girl :)
Thick or Fat?
What About her? Thick or Fat?
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