9. Drake "Lord Knows" Off his latest album Take Care, Drake drops a couple gems on this track. His first verse maybe a classic
8. Lupe Fiasco "Double Burger With Cheese" Lupe raps over a Justice beat and illustrates how the movies that black youth grew up with also help reinforce stereotypes and double standards.
7. Jay-Z "Who Gon' Stop Me" For most of Watch The Throne Kanye West outshone Jay-Z but on "Who Gon' Stop Me" Jay-Z reminded us why he's a living monument.
6. Big Sean "I Do It" Big Sean takes the six spot with the best Family Guy reference in history
5. Wale "Chain Music" The second verse on Chain Music is one of the realest of the year. " I was hoping you would notice where my mind at put money in a book I bet these bitches wouldn't find it" Nobody peep you when you being humble
4. Talib Kweli and Jay Electronica "Just Begun" Talib Kweli hasn't spit a bad verse in his entire career, and Jay Electronica picks up right where he left off and proceeds to burn the booth down.
3.Joe Budden- "Slaughterhouse B.E.T. chyper" Joey buttons sets the bar at an almost unreachable point with his verse on the B.E.T. chyper. This doesn't even count as a song but I don't care; his verse was so hot I didn't even wanna hear who ever it was that came on next.
2. Kendrick Lamar "The City w/ The Game" Kendrick Lamar made two very lack luster Game verses worth suffering through. He simply demolished Game on his track, and was pretty much the highlight on the entire tape. Feel free to skip to about 3:37 in the vid below to listen to Kendrick go H.A.M!
1. Nas "Outro on the Carter IV" The best verse on Wayne's Carter IV wasn't even uttered by Wayne himself. Nas stepped inside a time machine, he sounded as hungry as he did back in 92. The verse of the year goes to Nasty Nas.
Top 10 of the year! Great choice I'll listen to them all then give my judgment. THIS should be intriguing.